亞洲的勞倫斯 Lawrence of Asia


以勞倫斯韋納作品 NAU EM I ART BILONG YUMI (2015)——「今日藝術屬於我們」的皮欽語*——為模板,自行印製的側背包,供日常使用。



Self print bag made with Lawrence Weiner’s multiple NAU EM I ART BILONG YUMI (2015), which translates from pidgin* to English as “art of today belongs to us,” from the exhibition Take Me (I'm Yours).

I use it as the everyday bag.

*A grammatically simplified means of communication that develops between two or more groups of people that do not have a language in common (quoted form Wikipedia).

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Taiwan Taiwanese Taiwaness art artist artwork artworks work contemporary concept exhibition exhibitions art artfacts Kaohsiung Award