藝術裝飾 Art Deco


Art Deco始於20世紀初,與量產工業相伴而生,旨在提供所有人賞心悅目的商品外表。作品參考該風格,創造能擴張適應任何環境但也使人視覺疲勞的影像,並凸顯烏托邦願景中依然存在的權力關係(技術擁有者/工人、贊助者/被贊助者、藝術家/觀者)。

Wallpaper stickers combining the designed pattern, which inspired by the trademarks of Taiwan four well-known art sponsors, with the faux marble texture. All pattern is open copyright and available for anyone to download and print out.

The work features a balance between art, decoration and craft. Its repetitive pattern recalls the look of wallpaper, providing a sense of security as in domestic space as well as eye fatigue. A tension arises in the scenario between handmade/time-intensive labour and manufactured/mass-produced while the form of open copyright echos the pervasive sponsorship and the so-called “empowerment” nowadays.