2023作品索引 Index of my 2023 works



作品描繪了我 2023 年的 13 件作品,體現它們混亂、混合和善變的狀態。其印製 500 份,置於展場供人拿取。

 感謝 MOM art space 的 500 份複本點子
位於 Gängeviertel-Fabrique(德國漢堡)的媽藝術空間推廣年輕/知名藝術家的國內外跨學科計畫。

Tracing painting, as mentioned in the title.

The work traces my 13 works in 2023, embodying their chaotic, hybrid and variable state. It was printed in 500 copies and placed in the exhibition venue for people to take.

 With gratitude to MOM art space for the idea of 500 copies
The MOM art space in the Gängeviertel-Fabrique (Hamburg, Germany) promotes interdisciplinary, national and international projects by both young and established artists.