Image courtesy of 亞藝影音
2000 年電影《記憶拼圖》描述一名順進性失憶症男子利用筆記和照片追尋兇手的故事。該片以非線性敘事聞名,然當時台灣片商為了方便理解,選擇發行「順時版」DVD。於是,在大約十年間,台灣觀眾對此片擁有錯置但並非「非本真」——該順時版是導演為他國 DVD 隱藏功能而編輯之版本——的記憶。
Taiwan first edition DVD of Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000) played at the exhibition venue.
It had been about 10 years that Taiwan audience watched this film, which tells a story of a man suffering from anterograde amnesia and using notes and photos to hunt, in chronological order. Taiwan publisher considered the original non-linear narrative structure so perplexing that they released the “chronological version” DVD, producing a collective misplaced but not “inauthentic”—for the chronological one is also organized by the director and released in other countries’ DVD as hidden feature—memory of the film.
Inspired by Stephanie Syjuco’s Body Double (Platoon/Apocalypse Now/Hamburger Hill) (2007), the work continues their focus on the ambiguity of identity and archives, rendering today visual experience and its limitations with, unlike the complete one in cinema, the “fragmented” participation in exhibition.